Monday, June 20, 2011


The same evening that storms blasted Central Florida, somehow we remained in a perfect bubble just over the World Marriott Center for Chris and Heather's wedding last Saturday evening. The storms swirled around us, the bride's veil seemed to have a mind of it's own, but the wind was a gift from God and kept everyone cool. Heather truly was one of the most beautiful brides I've ever had the pleasure of photographing. She and Chris worked their fingers to the bones planning and executing a beautiful day. So there wasn't score cards or Dr. Seuss vows, because of bad weather and time constraints, but there was love, lots and lots of love.

Thank you so very much for allowing us to be there to capture it all!

Many Thanks and Many, Many Blessings to Heather, Chris and their adorable babies!

Much Love,

The Team at Thirteenth Moon
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