These beautiful photos are of a very special "couple". Jenn and Joey have been together for well over a decade and shared many memories, and Jenn wanted to immortalize her love for her companion and sweetheart Joey (and his little brother Rudy).
I had the pleasure of meeting and working with Jenn last year when I photographed some of the dogs for the rescue she helps to run, A New Beginnings Pet Rescue. Bill and I set up our equipment in the back of a busy PetSmart in Orlando and photographed as many little ones that we could...the experience was hot, sweaty and furry, but we're proud of the photos we took and of the connections we made with the people of the rescue.

People like Jenn amaze me. She skillfully and lovingly rescues, fosters and adopts four-leggeds that need a forever home. She GIVES her time completely and that is a beautiful thing, to give. She and so many others give so much of themselves to these animals and they all deserve a bright shiny gold star to wear everyday. Like myself, many of us can only handle one pet...for Bill and I it's our Jenny that we "adopted" last May.
We found Jenny at Animal Services in Orlando. She was laying quiet and still unlike most of the other dogs begging for attention. We took her out into the "yard" and she chased a ball. She was kind and gentle but seemed so sad. She played for a few minutes and then went and laid underneath the bench in the yard.
Bill and I spoke to her like a person and she seemed to hear just what we were saying. Jenny came home not long after that and she has so quickly dug such a deep place in our hearts we are not sure what we'd do without our Jenny...
So when I heard from Jenn to take photos of her and Joey, I was so pleased. However, the shoot was bittersweet. Jenn had just received word that Joey's health was deteriorating and that he wouldn't be with her much longer. She wanted pictures, she wanted MEMORIES to see with her eyes, not just with her heart. We photographed this shoot at Lake Lily in Maitland, with Jenn, Joey and his little brother Rudy. Jenn wanted some shots of all the things she considers special...Joey with his favorite toy (a paper towel roll), their walks together and their car rides.
Jenn is a stand-up chick and one that I admire. They've been lucky to have each other for so long. I hope Bill and I are fortunate to have our Jenny girl for at least that long.

Until next time...
Much Love & Many Blessings!
Rachel & Bill