Ohio holds a very dear place in my heart! I was born and raised in the beautiful All-American City of Kettering, Ohio (just outside Dayton)...I love my OSU Buckeyes...I love the weather, the trees, the grass, the cows, the pumpkins, the snow, the festivals, the sidewalks, the air...I LOVE IT! I love Orlando too.. and being a Floridian now for 11 years has made me appreciate the differences. I'm blessed to be able to take my life and what I've made a success in Florida and bring it back home. It's the best feeling in the world. My goal is to split my time between Ohio and Florida equally with maybe a "vacation" in Tennessee and North Carolina (what can I say -- I'm def an East Coast girl)! I'm blessed to have a husband who supports my countless dreams and just smiles and says "let's do it" when I come up with a new plan! Soooo with that being said Rusty and Jessica were our "first" REAL wedding couple since we started our official advertising in Ohio as Thirteenth Moon Photography...besides a gazillion family and friends...these were people that put their faith in trust in our marketing, our past reviews and our promise of giving them the best photos IMAGINABLE...and yes we came through!
Rusty and Jessica...WOW..I mean what I said when I titled this entry "A Couple filled with Love and Light"...they are a couple grounded in their love of Christ and wanting to share nothing but smiles and their passion for living with everyone they meet! Anyone that knows me knows that I am the biggest CHEESE BALL ever...but I met my match with Jessica and she made me laugh so many times and so hard that I had to pull away the camera to wipe the happy tears from my eyes! We brought along my sweetheart cousin, Lisa...who will soon become the OFFICIAL Ohio Thirteenth Moon Photography REP and we started TEACHING HER RIGHT! Lisa and I were so moved to tears throughout the day that we both had to remind ourselves we were "working" and had to stop! (Below is some of our "Behind the Lens" photos from the day)
Here's Lisee making sure Jessica's dress is PERFECT!
Here I am having too much fun with the blindfolded Bride & Groom
At least I let them sit for this series :)
I can't explain this one -- but I know I make these faces often (but not ON PURPOSE)
And My Bill -- taking a knee during the reception!
Jessica's "preparation" photos we're the best and most fun I've ever been able to capture. Her girls laced her dress and checked over every detail just as good bridesmaids should! The bride had fun with it and made them laugh and I was lucky enough to capture it all!
One of Jessica's creative requests was to be able to hug and kiss her hubby-to-be before the ceremony...but they didn't want to see each other. With this light-hearted and fun family we had a little fun with it and blindfolded the two and made them FIND each other.... we put them in a back hallway at the church and had them seek each other out (what a great metaphor, huh?)! Needless to say, it didn't take but a minute for them to find each other. Rusty said, "Jessica, you feel so beautiful!"
The ceremony was memorable and beautiful...Jessica's flower girl was ready to go and became the icing on the cake for me as she was a picture perfect and handed me some of the best flower girl pictures I've ever had!
With such a big sanctuary and the many guests, Bill took time to set up plenty of off-camera lighting and it really worked well! Bill photographed from the balcony and got some amazing shots thanks to his technical engineering!
And I stayed as close as I could and zoomed in....
The reception was classic, filled with everyone that loved the bride and groom! Rusty and Jessica showed off their mad dance skills and thanks to each of them it wasn't just their feet that caught our attention, but their animated faces and loud bursts of laughter!
Cutting the cake and ending our time with this couple was bittersweet!
We hope very much to stay connected with Rusty and Jessica, have the honor of taking belly pictures and soon-there-after baby pictures...and as much as they'll have us around for!
Thank you, Rusty and Jessica for making US smile!!
With Much Love and Many Blessings....
Your Photographers for Life,
Bill & Rachel